Anointed International Christian Centre e.V.

Wenn Gott für uns ist, wer kann dann gegen uns sein? (Römer 8:31)  //  If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

Welcome to the Blog of Anointed International Christian Centre!

Christians are plagued with questions of all kind. They are sometimes confused of the preachings and teachings they hear from the pastors. We give answers with the help of the Holy Spirit. Browse through our Blog for answers. Leave comments and send in your questions. God bless you.


Why is the Bible superior in authority and claims comparing to other religious and philosophy books (or books of world views)?

Bible passages:
Luke 8:11-14, Hebrew 4:12, Psalm 22, 2Peter 1:16, Micah 5:2, James 1:22-25, 1Corinthian 15:1-6, 2Peter 1:20-21, 2Timothy 3:16, Exodus 20:10

Philosophy “is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them”. [Read More…]

Evangelist Moni Makinde - 21:33:21 @ Bible Study Questions and Answer, Bible Study Scriptural Study, What is right and what is wrong | Add a comment


Why is Christianity the real deal among other religions, who also claim they are real deal?

Bible passages: 
John 3:3, John 1:1, John 14:3, Isa 40:8, 2Pet1:16-21, Mat28:1-10, Mark16:7, Titus2:11-14, 1Corin15:3-5, Phil2:9-11

Christianity is not a religion but a way of life. Based on the word of God Acts 12:19-26 some of the disciples of Christ went to Antioch telling the message of Jesus Christ to people. [Read More…]

Evangelist Moni Makinde - 13:50:00 @ Bible Study Questions and Answer, Bible Study Scriptural Study | Add a comment


Can destiny be changed?

Bible passages: 
1Chron 4:9-10, Isa 38:1-6, Deut 9:4-6, Gen 15:18-21, Exo 7:3, Gen 45:4-5, Num 13:1-33, Gen 25:23

Discussion 1:
What is destiny? 
According to the dictionary, it the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
In our discussion destiny was divided into 2 aspects: destiny that can be changed and destiny that cannot be changed. [Read More…]

Evangelist Moni Makinde - 21:32:02 @ Bible Study Questions and Answer, Bible Study Scriptural Study | Add a comment

Judge not, that you might not be judged Matthew 7:1-2.

Bible passages: 
Matthew 7:1-2,  Matthew 7:3-5, Matthew 7:16-23, Matthew 7:15, 1John 4:1-3, 1Corin 5:12-13, 1Corin 2:1-6

The discussion started by identifying that judging - forming an opinion or conclusion about someone or something and correcting on a bad behaviour are two different things.
Matthew 7:1-5 tells us about about judging people who commit one sin or the other but the person judging is not innocent. [Read More…]

Evangelist Moni Makinde - 21:29:04 @ Bible Study Questions and Answer, Bible Study Scriptural Study | Add a comment

Is it possible for Christians to obey all the *ten commandments*?

Bible passages: 
Gen 2:15-17; Gen 3:1-5,6;

The instruction or commandment of God starts from the garden of Eden when God told Adam that “you may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden but you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil” Gen 2:15-17.
In Gen 3:6 the bible tells us that the woman (Eve) saw that the tree was beautiful that it’s fruit was good to eat, so she ate and gave some of the fruit to her husband.
This was only one instruction that Adam and Eve struggled with; what is the possibility of them keeping the Ten Commandments. [Read More…]

Evangelist Moni Makinde - 21:24:24 @ Bible Study Questions and Answer, Bible Study Scriptural Study | Add a comment

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